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Calling it out 101

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former member default image - bird flying away

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Hey guys!

Ok so I've been here for about two days now and like any new kid I've been reading a few posts and profiles (no I'm not some creeper ...just curious ! ) as much as I've enjoyed meeting a few of you and reading about your diverse personalities.

I was saddened to see the whole "nobody loves me because I'm disabled bit" or my personal faveroite the whole "keep hoping and he or she will magically save me gig - - REALLY!? now today's post is not directed towords anyone specific I'm just shocked that so many great people have such low opinions of themselves, so I wanted to share with you the secret to my confidence in hopes that you all find your other halfs one day.

You know as kids we all had our heroes, some of us loved Michael Jordan others praised aerosmith but we the disabled have heroes who ran across Canada and others who made us believe we could be greater then we ever imagined (think Christopher Reeves) saying that nobody loves you beacause your disabled is as crazy as saying nobody loves me because I have black hair!? ( stylish hair too lol)

Guys I'm no expert but I'd like to believe girls aren't attracted to needy guys they want a man who can give them an adventure and be there when it counts....the mistake we all make (yes I'm no exception ) is that instead of TAKING them on an adventure we MAKE them the adventure...
the best example I can think of is (as cheesey as it sounds) Salsa dancing...what makes the difference between a good dancer and a GREAT dancer is a good dancer will know the steps but a great dancer will move to the rythem

Example its friday night and sheez your just wishing somthing great would happen to you today (FACT: ALL PEOPLE love great coversation and WANT you to talk to them) so you ask yourself what can I do today to make a fun tomorrow?

When your writting to a girl the last thing you wanna do is sell a pity story, (cause that translates to oh know this guy just wants a shoulder not a girlfriend) heck I don't even talk about my CP IF and only IF she asks about it say somthing that highlights your value...

EXAMPLE: Sure I walk like a penguin....girls think there cute but I prove they're SEXY

When your writting a girl try to picture her perspective before sending another "hey how are you" or "GOSH your BEAUTIFUL" (trust me your not the first to tell her she already knows she is....what you want to do is ask interesting questions that will shed light on her mystery

if a guy says how are you?---- you don't really give her much space to branch out....what can she say? good thanks you?...thats not a great way to make an impression

try asking real questions and take a few moments to read her profile lol trust me they know when you don't read lol so if you read my post tonight I'm hereby giving you homework tonight .....I want each of you to write somone and let them know what you appreciate about their profile (I swear if any of u say anything strange to make them uncomfortable i'll hunt you and your decendents down jk jk)

I'd like to end my post with a quote

"if a rubix cube is admired for its complexities....a woman is loved for her mystery"


ps feel free to tell me how it works out for you below and best of luck to all!

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